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Self publishing in India | The 1 st company to bring
self publishing in India

You have been planning your book or novel for years and finally it is written and ready to be published. You have been researching about how to publish a book in India or how to publish a novel in India and stumbled upon us. Self-publishing in India may be the best option for new or first-time authors, considering traditional publishing houses usually publish established authors whose books they hope to sell in excess of 5,000 copies in a year. We are part of Power Publishers & motion Pictures, which brought self-publishing in India for the first time in Indian history of publishing, back in January 2008. Self-publishing offers a new or first-time author to choose a bundle of publishing services by paying the cost of publishing a book. The bundle of publishing services includes:

Self Publishing Package | Cost to self publish a book | Cost of publishing a book

Publishing package price | Cost to self publish a book: Rs 30,000 for b/w book; Rs 40,000 for full color book | US$ 400 for b/w book; US$ 525 for full color book

  • Pre Press Services:
  1. Page Designing
  2. Cover design
  3. ISBN and barcode allocation
  • Printing:
  1. 10 author’s copies, sent to author’s address (postage included within India, postage additional for international addresses)
  2. Remaining copies to remain in our warehouse for online order handling.
  • Distribution:
  1. Listing in online bookstores (,,, ebook on Kindle) and making the book available online.
  2. Warehousing copies, packaging and dispatch of ordered copies.
  • Promotion
  1. Video book trailer/promotional video for social media promotion
  2. Running Facebook ads (for 2 weeks)
  3. Author interview (published in our blog)
  4. Book review (published in a book review site)
  • Royalty
  1. Royalty is paid to the author from time to time based on the sales. The author can sign in to the website/author dashboard and see live sales records and withdraw the royalty. Royalty % is 50% of the MRP (printed price) of the book for the copies sold through Power Publishers website; and 15% of the MRP of the book for the copies sold through other online outliers like, etc.
  • Other benefits:
  1. The author can order extra copies (apart from the complimentary author copies that are part of the package) for a discount of 35% on MRP. For orders of 100 copies or more, the discount is 50%. (discounted copies do not qualify for royalty).

  • Proofreading: manual spelling, grammar, typo, spacing, and punctuation error correction by a human editor. Price: Rs 50 per page | US4 1.5 per page.
  • Inside illustrations: Rs 800 per b/w illustration, or Rs 1,600 per color illustration | US$ 20 per b/w illustration, or US$ 40 per color illustration.
  • Book to audiobook with online distribution: Rs 5000 per output hour of audiobook | US$ 70 per output hour of audiobook.
  • Video book trailer/promotional video for social media promotion: Rs 6,000 for a 2 mins video | US$ 100 for a 2 mins video.